Drawing a graphic novel with the London Drawing Group

Saturday 2nd Dec 2 to 5pm

Duration: 3 hours

Price: £22.50

For this three hour special workshop, we will be delving into the illustrious, insane, inventive world of the Graphic Novel, with an introduction to both some of the most iconic, and some of the most underground, artists around. Through the class you will be encouraged to create your own mini graphic 'novella' from start to finish, leaving the class with a completed project and the tools that will encourage you to keep on creating in this amazingly versatile medium!

Teaching is hands on and friendly, and totally suitable for beginners! We provide Materials; charcoal, paper and drawing boards but please feel free to bring sketchbooks/your own paper or any other medium.

PLEASE ARRIVE 15 MINS EARLY in order to allow time for setting up and grabbing a drink!

